Friday, August 18, 2006

Funding for increased media programming on HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean

The Ford Foundation and the Elton John AIDS Foundation are joining the Kaiser Family Foundation in providing monetary support of one milliom USD to the Caribbean Broadcast Media Partnership on HIV/AIDS. Given the prevalence of stigma and homophobia in the Caribbean region, this partnership aims to contribute towards the media's goal of expanding AIDS programming.

The Carribean Partnership includes more than 30 television and radio companies spanned over 22 countries, and plans to integrate HIV-content across all program genres. The first year strategy includes:

1. A pan-Caribbean public service campaign
2. Original HIV-themed entertainment programming, such as soap operas
3. Programming workshops for writers, producers and on-air talent
4. Journalist trainings and briefings
5. Complementary information resources.

The Kaiser press release can be read at:

Hopefully this program will achieve its aims. A well planned media initiative can go a long way in increasing awareness, educating the audience, and providing exposure to issues generally swept under the carpet. A lack of awareness can breed ignorance, prejudice, and social stigma all which can catalyze the spread of HIV/AIDS while obstructing prevention and treatment methods. In many cultures talking about anything in the periphery of sex is taboo and this becomes a big barrier towards increasing AIDS awareness.

A broad media initiative can broadcast information on a wide scale, through various channels, and in different formats to reach a variety of target audiences. If this programme is successful it can be used as an excellent example for other countries, and even if not its shortfalls can be studied and worked on.

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