Saturday, September 09, 2006

Changing mindsets through exposure

An email informed me of this hosts a large collection of adapted athletics videos, very likely the only such resource freely available:

Without advancing the idea of the "super-crip," I believe such videos can provide excellent material to break the standard stereotypes of "broken body, feeble mind, sub humans" variety. They challenge the very beliefs that people hold about disabilities, primarily about disability being the unsurmountable barrier that stops you from enjoying all the things "normal" people can enjoy.

It questions the images you conjure in your mind about a person with a disability and begs you to reconsider your notion of "those poor souls robbed of humanly pleasures." And most importantly it advises you to not limit the options people with disabilities have because of what "you think" they can and cannot do.

Awareness and exposure can go a long way in changing social beliefs, as many times we cannot think differently until we do see something that is different.

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